Nascar – 2019 Daytona 500 – Consensus
Welcome to the Nascar Industry Consensus Rankings! We did a little bit of Nascar coverage in the past and we are going to work on bringing it back for the 2019 season by grading DFS experts from around the industry and bring you the consensus…

Nascar - June 5, Axalta 500 - Poconos - Consensus picks
Nascar - June 5, Axalta 500 - Poconos - Consensus picksks
First some shout outs as Rotocurve.com remains in 1st place, DailyFantasySportsRankings jumps into 2nd and the FantasyCruncher Optimizer is in 3rd.
Click to see current Nascar…

Nascar - May 14 AAA 400 - Dover - Consensus picks
Nascar - May 14 AAA 400 - Dover - Consensus picks
First some shout outs as Rotocurve.com remains in 1st place, Rotoballer.com close behind.
Click to see current Nascar expert grading
This week we gathered picks from…

Nascar - May 7 Kansas - Consensus picks
Nascar - May 7 Kansas - Consensus picks
First some shout outs as Rotocurve.com, Rotoballer.com, DailyFantasySportsRankings.com lead the active Nascar experts!
Click to see current Nascar expert grading
This week we…

Nascar - May 1 Talladega - GEICO 500 - Consensus picks
Nascar - May 1 Talladega - GEICO 500 - Consensus picks
First some shout outs as Rotocurve.com, Rotoballer.com, DailyFantasySportsRankings.com lead the active Nascar experts!
Click to see current Nascar expert grading

Nascar - April 24 Richmond - Toyota Owners 500 - Consensus picks
Nascar - April 24 Richmond - Toyota Owners 500 - Consensus picks
First some shout outs as Rotoballer, DailyFantasySportsRankings.com and FoxSports all had good weeks last week and could jump into one of the top 3 spots currently held by…

Nascar - April 17 Bristol - Consensus picks
Nascar - April 17 Bristol - Consensus picks
This week we gathered picks from twelve (12) experts from around the industry. Some are pay picks, some are freely available and we consolidate them into our consensus picks.
Haven't played…

Nascar - April 9 Texas Duck Commander - Consensus picks
Nascar - April 9 Texas Duck Commander - Consensus picks
This week we gathered picks from thirteen (13) experts from around the industry. Some are pay picks, some are freely available and we consolidate them into our consensus picks.

Nascar Expert Grading through last week's STP 500
Nascar Grading
Here is the grading through April 3rd
Sportsgrid.com remains on top of the Nascar rankings and FantasyCruncher Optimizer moves up to 2nd. FoxSports remains in 3rd place.
Haven't played on DraftKings...Click…

Nascar - April 2nd STP 500 - Consensus picks
Nascar - April 2nd STP 500 - Consensus picks
This week we gathered picks from twelve (12) experts from around the industry. Some are pay picks, some are freely available and we consolidate them into our consensus picks.
Haven't played…

Nascar - March 20th Auto Club 400 - Consensus picks
March 20th Auto Club 400 - Consensus picks
This week we gathered picks from twelve (12) experts from around the industry. Some are pay picks, some are freely available and we consolidate them into our consensus picks.
Haven't played…

Nascar Expert Grading through March 13th
Nascar Grading
Here is the grading through March 13th:
Kevin Harvick was again far and away the biggest consensus play last week and he again won the race!
Sportsgrid.com again crushes the competition with the Trifecta! Picking…